Poetic Rainbow: The Calligraphy of Wang Dongling
15 September - 27 October 2017
Hanart TZ Gallery
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Calligraphy Performance and Artist’s Reception : Friday, 15 September 2017, 6 to 8pm

Exhibition Period:15 September – 27 October 2017

WANG Dongling_1 (Image Courtesy of the Artist)

王冬齡   WANG Dongling

圖檔由藝術家及漢雅軒提供     Image Courtesy of the Artist and Hanart TZ Gallery

Hanart TZ Gallery is honoured to announce the opening of Poetic Rainbow: The Calligraphy of Wang Dongling, a solo exhibition of works by eminent calligraphy master Wang Dongling, on Friday, 15 September 2017. In celebration of the exhibition, the gallery has invited Wang Dongling to undertake a live calligraphy performance at the opening. We hope to bring everyone together to celebrate this special moment; please join us!

The theme Poetic Rainbow refers on the one hand to the use of colour in descriptions of nature and life in the writings of Tang and Song poets and in popular lyrics of the period. It also alludes to the unusual way Wang echoes the poetic themes through the use of colour in his calligraphy, employing colour pigments instead of ink, and often writing on coloured paper. The exhibition showcases the many facets of Wang Dongling’s exploration and practice in the art of calligraphy, whether in terms of spirit, medium or display.

The exhibition will feature a range of Wang Dongling’s latest pieces, including his unique Entangled Script. Entangled Script is the culmination of Wang Dongling’s lifelong pursuit of an art that is both universal and Chinese, forward-looking and firmly grounded in the past. Wang Dongling breaks away completely from the implied grid of traditional calligraphy, interweaving individual characters and entire columns into an amorphous field. As the text verges on illegibility, its linguistic meaning becomes an open question. The calligraphic lines take flight in their variations in texture and rhythm, and yet remain tenuously tethered to the text as musical performance is to score and meter.

Another highlight of the exhibition is a set of calligraphies written on transparent coloured sheets measuring two meters in height. Through interaction with the lighting of the space, the lines, texture, rhythm and momentum of the calligraphy are transformed into an encompassing realm of aesthetics, allowing the audience to experience the tension inherent in the “Entangled” calligraphy and its impact in public space.

The exhibition runs from 15 September to 27 October 2017.



王冬齡 WANG Dongling
James WONG, ‘The Bund of Shanghai’, Entangled Script
水墨 紙本   Ink on Paper
79 x 54.5 cm

王冬齡 WANG Dongling
XIN Qiji, ‘Green Jade Table: First Full Moon of the Year’, Entangled Script
水粉彩 紙本     Gouache on Paper
79 x 54.5 cm


王冬齡 WANG Dongling
YAN Shu, ‘Sandy Creek Washers’, Entangled Script
水墨 紙本 Ink on Paper
96 x 178 cm

圖檔由藝術家及漢雅軒提供     Image Courtesy of the Artist and Hanart TZ Gallery

Press Enquiries

T. +(852) 2526 9019
