邱志傑作品《香港文化地圖》[局部] (經調色處理)
“Map of Hong Kong Culture” (Detail) by Qiu Zhijie (Colour-effect applied to original)
Hanart is Moving With the Times! |
We are MOVING |
Our lease at Pedder Building is coming to an end. You are invited to drop in anytime until next Wednesday May 13 to indulge in our “State of Happiness” at Pedder 401! |
Until we find another special location, Hanart TZ Gallery will continue at our HANART SQUARE in Kwai Chung. HANART SQUARE will inaugurate the first exhibition “MOVING” on June 20. |
HANART SQUARE: 2/F Mai On Industrial Building, 17-21 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, Hong Kong T: +852 2526 9019 E: hanart@hanart.com |
E. hanart@hanart.com
T. +(852) 2526 9019